The ‘
PROBATIONET: Restorative Justice and Recidivism Course’ is an E-Learning training course created within the:
PROBATIONET - A flexible, multidisciplinary, and transnational VET model for the probation services and practitioners project.
The project consortium (from different European countries, namely Portugal, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey) designed this initiative to instruct case management, restorative justice and probation trainers with Restorative Justice (RJ) skills. As such, this course offers participants the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the area of RJ, specifically: its core values, key principles, how to prepare for an RJ session and how to facilitate an RJ session.
The program consists of four distinct modules, meticulously designed to offer a balanced blend of theoretical understanding and hands-on practical applications. These modules can be explored in two ways: either during instructor-led sessions for a guided learning experience or as supplementary materials for learners to review and engage with independently during their self-study sessions.
Who should attend?
• Case Management professionals.
• Restorative Justice professionals.
• Probation Technicians.
Training modality
• e-Learning